Monday, December 5, 2011


I have been writing! Three new recordings are streaming here.


Chanticleer, Certain Hope

Wish that I could take your flowers in
so I could feel their bloom
In the moments when the winter wins
and all around is gloom
But buds spring forth! The promises,
so vivid midst the gray,
with whispers, "Sweet girl, hold on hope!"
While darkness turns to day.

Chanticleer, I will draw near and settle in your patches
Here I need reminding of the glory from the ashes

It started in a garden and
It ends up in the city
Where beauty will be piled high
And the streets won't glare so gritty
And everything He once deemed "Good"
Will be cultivated better
And everything once broken
Will be puzzled back together
What was will be restored as if it never had gone rotten
And what can be will be ours and what is will be forgotten

Chanticleer, I will draw near and settle in your patches
Here I need reminding of the glory from the ashes

The gardener works the afternoon
A whistle on his lips
A quiet smile beneath his beard,
Power in his fingertips
To nurture life and loveliness
In the tender toil of pruning
And secrets to young poets who
Are desperate for its meaning.

Chanticleer, I will draw near and settle in your patches
Here I need reminding of the glory from the ashes
What was will be restored as if it never had gone rotten
And what can be will be ours and what is will be forgotten

*flier design by Carter White

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Poem

On Moving Day

Our new house is sturdy

The old white molding thick lining

Each floor, window, door

The wooden boards can take a beating,

They have proven hard

These radiators heated many winters and will heat ours

The porcelain tub will hold our washing

As it has a hundred years.

And it is good this house is sturdy, for

A flimsy house could not hold

What will happen here—

What happens when we invite our friends

To let their shoulders down, truly

In a beautiful and complicated world.

This house can host what’s hard so

I will not ask for easy.